Friday, May 18, 2012

We're Just Getting Started...

Oh My Jesus. I'm in France... I feel like I've been gone forever but really it was not even one week ago that I got on a plane at Hartsfield-Jackson. This week has been crazy to say the least. I planned to blog everyday or at least every other... yeah, I don't know what I thought the time availability on this trip would be but I was clearly wrong. BUT, I still plan to do better, even if it kills me... (which it might. It's currently 2:30 am here and I want to go to a screening early tomo in Cannes.) Anyways, my misconception of free time is pretty much my only fault because other than that this trip is everything I coud have hoped for and I'm less than one week in.

I'll try to describe it here, in detail, without writing a novel... here goes.

So last Friday morning after partying it up with all my beautiful friends for their graduation (CONGRATS!!) I came home, made the always necessary pre-trip Walmart run, threw stuff in a suitcase and got in the car with my brother and his friends who took me to the airport. I proceeded to yell at him the entire time about being late and taking too long which turned out not to be an issue because I got to the airport with plenty of time. (LOVE YOU KYLIE!) So much, in fact, that I had enough time to unpack and rearrange everything in my overweight suitcase to get the weight down so I wouldn't be charged. (This ended with me handing the airport employee a credit card for the extra charge, shrugging while my friend looked at me like I was crazy.(Still, preciate you!)

Anyways, I was nervous finding my gate and what not because I rarely travel and never by myself but when I managed to get there I saw lots students from UGA all going on the study abroad with me and most of my concerns were eased. My roommate for the trip was also there. She's hilarious and I love her... let's hope that doesn't change in a month.

The actual traveling was long, tiring and pretty uneventful. Flew from Atlanta to London, London to Nice and then Nice to Juan Les Pins by taxi. (Lots of turbulence on the way to London, which was fun. *heavy sarcasm*)

On the way to our residence, everything was fine. Sights were pretty, the weather was nice, all of that... We got to our hotel and waited on our fellow programmers. Once everyone was here we drank, we bonded, we talked about how amazing this trip would be... Our residence is basic at best but whatever, we're in France.

With the next two days came the reminder that study abroad means class credit which means classes... which means that I have to go to class. Oi. But soon after that realization came the reminder that the classes are both based on film, the industry, reviews and critiques; all of which I have no problem learning about.

We went into Cannes on the second day to learn how to ride the train two stops up to get to the festival and how to walk there from the station. Seeing everything set up was a sight in itself but it doesn't compare to what it looked like the next day when the festival actually started.

Absolute chaos. It's amazing to think most of the people there have the same interest as me. Amazing, intimidating and inspiring all at the same time.

The first day I saw only two movies... Detachment and Moonrise Kingdom. (Reviews to come for both, but I will quickly say they were both very good.)

Moonrise Kingdom, directed by Wes Anderson, was the big opening film for the entire festival and was screening in the Lumiere Theater. I have an awesome badge that let's me get into most theaters, however, you have to have a ticket to get into the Lumiere and you get a ticket by asking. This is a less humiliating way of saying that I wrote on a pice of paper "Invitation, Moonrise Kingdom, S'il Vous Plait" and tried to get producers to give me their extra tickets. It's a bit shameful... until you get a ticket, then it's totally worth it because you get to walk the red carpet and sit in the Lumiere with celebrities and, of course, watch an amazing film.

Unfortunately, I was in all of the wrong places that night and did not get to see any celebrities. However, some of my friends got to meet Wes Anderson, Eva Longoria, Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Jessica Chastain and others, most of whom were in Moonrise Kingdom. Still, I got to go to the premiere so I was satisfied. I will meet some celebrities before the festival is over though. Not to worry.

I haven't been to a premiere since Moonrise but I am attempting to get into Lawless tomorrow and hopefully meet Shia Labouf!

I'm also on the lookout for Donald Glover if anyone hears that he's in Cannes, let me knoooow!

Celebrity encounters aside, I really am just so thankful to be here. Everyday when I wake up, I'm reminded of what an amazing opportunity this is. I'm so thankful I have amazing parents that have allowed me to experience this. Love you guys!!

I'll keep everyone posted here as my adventure continues. Movie reviews will be interspersed.

From Cannes, With Love


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